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Speedy 100


The Speedy 100 is the first CO2 laser machine that can grow with the success of your business. You purchase exactly the performance you need to start with CO2 laser engraving with the option of upgrading later depending on your requirements. You will thus always have the machine that is exactly tailored to your needs. Depending on the requirement, this CO2 laser plotter can be used as laser engraving or as laser cutting machine.


Speedy 100

SP 100

Laser Source



Air-cooled, Operating environment temperature 15 degree-30degree

Work Area

610mm x 305mm

Max Height of workpiece


Max Engraving Speed

180 cm/sec. standard
280 cm/sec. performance upgrade



Brushless DC Servo Motors

Distance Accuracy

0.254mm or 0.1% of move, whichever is greater

Computer Interface

Standard printer port and USB port

Compatible Operating Systems

MS Windows


100V-240 Volt AC Auto Switching

Mechanical Design

Fully enclosed chassis with double, safety interlock system, laser safety class 2, CE compliant, maintenance-free, InPack-Technology.



Bi-Directional Communication

Sends feedback messages from the laser to the computer. This allows you to control essential functions directly from the computer. 


Ferror magnetic work table

The working table is ferro-magnetic over the entire surface. This means that you can simply use magnets to hold thin materials, such as paper, foils or films, in place. 


Focus Lenses

Find the right lens for achieving optimal results during laser engraving or laser cutting with Trotec laser machines. 


InPack Technology

Ensures higher productivity and lower running costs thanks to minimum maintenance and optional protection against dust.  


Job Control

Innovative laser software that offers maximum operator comfort for preparing your laser jobs. Laser engraving and laser cutting will be as easy as child's play. Includes unique features and functions for rubber stamp making.


Laser Pointer

The laser pointer indicates exactly by a red dot where the beam of the laser machine will hit the material.


Laser Remote App

Trotec Laser Remote features control of Trotec flatbed lasers and real time feedback. This app is designed get information about the laser status, pause and position laser jobs, or move the laser head.


Software Autofocus

With the Software Autofocus, the laser beam is focused for laser engraving, laser marking and laser cutting with just one press of the button.


CeramiCore Technology

The resonator body where the laser radiation is generated is made of 100% ceramic. CeramiCore® stands for reliability, high engraving quality and longevity.